
4 Ways to Avoid Liability in Your Convenience Store

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Convenience store owners face a litany of risks on a regular basis–some involving employees and others centering on customer interactions. That’s why, in order to protect their livelihoods, convenience store owners must take proactive steps to protect their businesses. Here’s how.

1. Create a Solid Schedule

Compliance is a constant concern for convenience store owners and other businesses that offer customers access to controlled substances such as alcohol. Simply lacking a proper schedule can create business-ending conundrums when these types of sales are made. Instead, work to create a working environment where no one person is ever working alone for too long to keep mischief to a minimum.

2. Double Down on Workplace Safety

Safety in the workplace is essential in most industries, if not all of them. However, too many managers and leaders mistake workplace safety for mere signage and safety gear. Training is arguably the single most important facet of workplace safety and it is all too often overlooked.

Carefully considered procedures and practical working arrangements go a long way towards protecting your employees and your business from bodily harm. Common measures such as the use of surveillance systems throughout your store are also fairly effective.

Implementing complete compliance processes and training can help keep your convenience store in the clear.

3. Conduct Ongoing Training

Instructing employees on what they should and should not do when making age-restricted sales is critical to your store’s success in remaining compliant with relevant regulations. You will need to keep up with laws that affect convenience stores and controlled substance sales to make the most of your training sessions. Such sessions should also begin as early as possible–preferably as a part of a comprehensive onboarding process for new hires.

Keep in mind the fact that your processes are also likely to change and evolve alongside the laws they must support. That’s why it’s important to remain updated on local compliance guidelines.

4. Invest in ID Validation Software

Making the right choice for the safety of your convenience store means adopting compliance processes, strategies, and solutions that can most effectively minimize or eliminate risks without slowing down daily operations. Intellicheck can help.

Intellicheck’s ID validation software makes it easier for employees to spot more sophisticated fraud schemes as they transpire. Anyone trying to take advantage of your convenience store and its staff will be faced with an ID validation system powerful enough for law enforcement agencies to trust.

Whether you encounter underage purchasers attempting to circumvent age restrictions on alcohol and tobacco products or illegitimate customers looking to leverage pilfered payment cards to pick up valuable products, Intellicheck’s industry-leading system can keep your store safe.

Curtail Convenience Store Liability

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